
Why Junit TestRunner cannot find the features?

I am working with cucumber and selenium project and I am trying to run the test by a Junit Test Runner. Here is the complete code (make sure you have lombok in your IDE). And here is my test runner:

        features            = {"src/test/resources/features" }, 
        monochrome = true,
        plugin              = {
        tags                = {"@all"},
        glue                = {"stepDefinitions"}
public class TestRunnerJUnit {

    public static void setup() {
        Reporter.setSystemInfo("User Name", System.getProperty(""));
        Reporter.setSystemInfo("Time Zone", System.getProperty("user.timezone"));
        Reporter.setSystemInfo("Machine", "Windows 10" + "64 Bit");
        Reporter.setTestRunnerOutput("Sample test runner output message");


The point is, when i run the test using the test runner, it finds the feature file, but it does not find any Scenario inside it. Here is the output of the run:

  As a customer, I should be able to register for insurance.

0 Scenarios
0 Steps

if i run the test directly using the feature file (by right click on it Run as Cucumber then it works well. But, i need to run my test by test runner)


  • I had a chance to pull your code base and look into the code. the issue you are running into is something to do with extent library. you are providing feature name in a new line and which extent library can't understand that. write feature name in same line and it should solve your problem

    Feature: As a customer, I should be able to register for insurance.

    I also suggest you to use newer version of cucumber (Cucumber-JVM v4+) libraries which have concurrent execution support( under single JVM) and current library which you are using going to span up multiple JVM instances depending on your configuration