What I need is to create a migration to change discount:Double
to discounts:List<Discount>()
based on the following code.
Realm Object
looks right now.class Item:Object{
@objc dynamic var itemName:String = "Some Name"
@objc dynamic var discount:Double = 0 // need to change this property
Here is how I'm trying to make the change.
class Discount: Object {
@objc dynamic var name:String = "Discount Name"
@objc dynamic var discount:Double = 0.0
relation.class Item:Object{
@objc dynamic var itemName:String = "Some Name"
let discounts = List<Discount>()
Realm.Configuration.defaultConfiguration = Realm.Configuration(
schemaVersion: 3,
migrationBlock: { migration, oldSchemaVersion in
if (oldSchemaVersion < 3) {
migration.enumerateObjects(ofType: Item.className()) { oldObject, newObject in
let oldDiscount = oldObject!["discount"] as! Double
let discount = Discount()
discount.amount = oldDiscount
let discounts = newObject!["discounts"] as! List<Discount>
I'm getting error:
Could not cast value of type
toRealmSwift.List<AppName.Discount> (0x1c890f6a0)
Again, the question is, how can I create a migration to change discount:Double
to discounts:List<Discount>()
You can migrate the discount property into the new discount list as a List like [oldDiscount]
Here's the code. I renamed some of the objects to make it a bit more clear as the re-use of the word 'discount' to refer to the class and the property was confusing.
let vers = UInt64(1)
let config = Realm.Configuration( schemaVersion: vers, migrationBlock: { migration, oldSchemaVersion in
if (oldSchemaVersion < vers) {
print("performing migration")
migration.enumerateObjects(ofType: ItemClass.className()) { oldItem, newItem in
let oldDiscount = oldItem!["discount"] as? Double ?? 0.0
let d = DiscountClass()
d.name = "Test"
d.discount = oldDiscount
newItem!["discountList"] = [d]
} else {
print("no migration needed")