I am running FusionPBX 4.5.10 and Switch 1.10.1 (64bit) on Debian 9.
I am writing custom dialplan to excute sheel script using system application. when i write this code it runs fine
<action application="system" data="myapp.sh"/>
but as mentioned in https://freeswitch.org/confluence/display/FREESWITCH/mod_dptools%3A+system url when I write dialplan <action application="set" data="OUT=${system foo.sh}"/>
it does not run.
What I want to is to save the output of the script in a variable and to use it in dialplan.
Please let me know if i am doing anything woring or any help which can help me to achive this.
try this it should work
<action application="set" data="OUT=${system(myapp.sh)}"/>
make sure there is no space between "system" and the "(" opening bracket