
Denodo Join between disparate sources without cache

I am new to Denodo, just have installed Denodo Express Server.I am running a sample task.

I have two disparate data sources (Postgres and MySQL), Postgres has agents table while MySQL has Customer and Orders data. When I execute a join statement between agents and Customer data it return 0 rows, until I cache Customer data.

  1. Is there any way we can execute join statement between different sources without Caching, as It results replication cost?

I have attached the Execution Trace of the query, both Virtual Plans return some rows but Inner Join Plan results 0 rows.

enter image description here


  • I guess you are joining TEXT field. May be in your text field there is space before and after field or In-between tow word.

    You can use trim() for both side before joining OR Try to remove all space from your string and Join.

    I am just Guessing because you didn't provide join condition.