While using the rpy2 library of Python to work with R. I get the following error message while trying to import a function of the bnlearn package:
# Using R inside python
import rpy2
import rpy2.robjects as robjects
import rpy2.robjects.packages as rpackages
from rpy2.robjects.vectors import StrVector
from rpy2.robjects.packages import importr
utils = rpackages.importr('utils')
# Install packages
packnames = ('visNetwork', 'bnlearn')
# Load packages
visNetwork = importr('visNetwork')
bnlearn = importr('bnlearn')
tabu = bnlearn.tabu
fit = bn.learn.bn.fit
With the error:
AttributeError: module 'bnlearn' has no attribute 'bn'
While checking the bnlearn documentation one finds out that bn is a class structure. So one should check out all the attributes of the object in question, that is, running:
After that you should get a similar output like the next one, where you find how you would import each attribute of bnlearn:
'bn_boot': 'bn.boot',
'bn_cv': 'bn.cv',
'bn_cv_algorithm': 'bn.cv.algorithm',
'bn_cv_structure': 'bn.cv.structure',
'bn_fit': 'bn.fit',
'bn_fit_backend': 'bn.fit.backend',
'bn_fit_backend_continuous': 'bn.fit.backend.continuous',
'bn_fit_backend_discrete': 'bn.fit.backend.discrete',
'bn_fit_backend_mixedcg': 'bn.fit.backend.mixedcg',
'bn_fit_barchart': 'bn.fit.barchart',
'bn_fit_dotplot': 'bn.fit.dotplot',
Then, running the following will solve the issue:
bn_fit = bnlearn.bn_fit
Now, you could, for example, run a bayesian Network:
structure = tabu(datos, score = "loglik-g")
bn_mod = bn_fit(structure, data = datos, method = "mle")
In general, this approach solves the issue of importing any function from an R package into Python through the rpy2 package.