
Remove/hide the item from the ng-option if the item is selected by another select box inside ng-repeat

How to remove/hide the item from ng-option inside ng-repeat if item is selected by another ng-option?

    <table class="table table-bordered table-condensed">
        <th>Column Name</th>
        <th>Map to field</th>
      <tr ng-repeat="head in headers">
        <td>{{ head }}</td>
          <select ng-model="selectedColumn[head]" 
            ng-options="row for row in data">
            <option value="">select</option>

    $scope.headers = ["foo", "bar", "baz"]; 
    $ =["alpha", "beta", "gamma"]; 
    $scope.selectedColumn = {};

    $scope.selectColumn = function(selectedhead) { 
      // $scope.fileData.headers.splice(selectedhead); 
      $ = ${ 
        return !selectedhead || !angular.equals(item, selectedhead); 

from above code the item get removed from data, however the shows select.kindly advise, thanks in advance


  • sindex.html

        <!DOCTYPE html>
        <script src=""></script>
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
        <script src=""></script>
        <script src=""></script>
        <script src=""></script>
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"></style>
            <div ng-app="App"  ng-controller="selectController">
                <div class="container">
                    <div class="row">
                        <div class="col-12">
                            <table class="table table-bordered table-condensed">
                                <th>Column Name</th>
                                <th>Map to field</th>
                                <tr ng-repeat="head in headers">
                                <td>{{ head }}</td>
                                    <select ng-model="selectedColumn[head]" 
                                   ng-options="opt for opt in filterRow(head)">
                                    <option value="">select</option>
        var app = angular.module('App', []);
        app.controller('selectController', function($scope) {
            $scope.headers = ["foo", "bar", "baz"]; 
            $ =["alpha", "beta", "gamma"]; 
            $scope.selectedColumn = {};
            // use this insted
            $scope.filterRow = function(head) { 
                return $ {
                    return !(Object.values($scope.selectedColumn)).includes(d) || $scope.selectedColumn[head] === d;