Hello I have json data like that:
And I want to get an worker from workers:
I'm writing this query:
But it gives me whole of data. I only want to get worker which I search. How can I do that with Mongo Dart. https://pub.dev/packages/mongo_dart
I found the solution. We should use aggregation but we should add some specific query to get one result. In dart mongo, we can use Filter object to add. Like that:
final pipeline = AggregationPipelineBuilder()
.addStage(Match(where.eq('companyMail', companyMail).map['\$query']))
.addStage(Match(where.eq('customers.mail', customerMail).map['\$query']))
"_id": 0, //You can use as:'customer' instead of this keyword.
"customers": Filter(input: '\$customers',cond: {'\$eq':["\$\$this.mail",customerMail]}).build(),
final result = await DbCollection(_db, 'Companies')