I received 2captcha
response and can show g-recaptcha-response
text field. I input 2captcha
response into g-recaptcha-response
text field but not sure how to submit this?
Here is code:
window.captchaOnloadCallback = function () {
var div = document.getElementById("captcha-div");
'sitekey': div.getAttribute("data-sitekey"),
'callback': window.captchaSuccessCallback
Can anybody please help me to find what I need to do to submit after solved captcha code placed.
maybe I need to call the callback function but not sure how.
I suggest you to solve captcha manually and track all requests sent to server in process. This way you can see how exactly callback function is called and then emulate it with token received from 2captcha. Did you check the 2captcha instructions here? https://2captcha.com/2captcha-api#invisible And here: https://2captcha.com/2captcha-api#callback
If previous links still didn't solve your problem, try this one: https://captchaforum.com/threads/problem-with-invisible-recaptcha-v2-callback-function-at-mail-com-sign-up-page.56/ Pay close attention to point 5.