
Catching SIGTERM from alpine image

I was trying to catch SIGTERM signal from a docker instance (basically when docker stop is called) but couldn't find a way since I have different results for each try I performed.

Following is the setup I have


FROM gitlab/gitlab-runner:alpine

COPY ./ /



deregister_runner() {
    echo "even if nothing happened, something happened"
trap deregister_runner SIGTERM

while true; do
    sleep 10

Now I build the docker image

$ docker build -t dockertrapcatch .
Sending build context to Docker daemon  51.71kB
Step 1/3 : FROM gitlab/gitlab-runner:alpine
 ---> 9f8c39873bee
Step 2/3 : COPY ./ /
 ---> Using cache
 ---> ebb3cac0c509
Step 3/3 : ENTRYPOINT ["/"]
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 7ab67fe5a714
Successfully built 7ab67fe5a714
Successfully tagged dockertrapcatch:latest

Run the docker

$ docker run -it dockertrapcatch

Now when I run docker stop <<container_id_here>> or docker kill --signal=SIGTERM <<container_id_here>>, my deregister_runner function is not called.

After that I changed the script as following (SIGKILL ==> EXIT)


deregister_runner() {
    echo "even if nothing happened, something happened"
trap deregister_runner EXIT

while true; do
    sleep 10

After this change and creating the docker image and running it docker stop <<container_id_here>> still does not work but docker kill --signal=SIGTERM <<container_id_here>> works!

$ docker run -it dockertrapcatch
even if nothing happened, something happened
$ docker kill --signal=SIGTERM 6b667af4ac6c

I read that actually docker stop sends a SIGTERM but I think this time it is not working? Any idea?


  • I can reproduce the issue you raise, while it does not show up when I replace the base image with debian:10, for example.

    It happens the issue is not due to alpine but to the gitlab/gitlab-runner:alpine image itself, namely this Dockerfile contains the following line:


    To be more precise, the line above means docker stop will send a SIGQUIT signal to the running containers (and wait for a "graceful termination time" before killing the containers, as if a docker kill were issued in the end).

    If this Dockerfile directive is not used, the default signal sent by docker stop is SIGTERM.

    Beware that SIGKILL would be a very poor choice for STOPSIGNAL, given that the KILL signal cannot be trapped.

    So, your first example should work if you use the following line:

    trap deregister_runner SIGINT SIGQUIT SIGTERM

    This way, your cleanup function deregister_runner will be triggered anytime you issue a docker stop, or use the Ctrl-C keybinding (thanks to SIGINT).

    Finally, two additional notes related to this question of Docker, bash and signals: