
Drop duplicate if the value in another column is null - Pandas

What I have:


Name |Vehicle

Dave |Car
Mark |Bike
Dave |

I want to drop duplicates from the Name column but only if the corresponding value in Vehicle column is null. I know I can use


with either Keep = either 'First' or 'Last' but what I am looking for is a way to drop duplicates from Name column where the corresponding value of Vehicle column is null. So basically, keep the Name if the Vehicle column is NOT null and drop the rest. If a name does not have a duplicate,then keep that row even if the corresponding value in Vehicle is null.

Many Thanks


  • I think you need chain 2 masks with bitwise OR (|) with Series.notna and Series.duplicated:

    m1 = df['Vehicle'].notna()
    m2 = ~df['Name'].duplicated()
    df1 = df[m1 & m2]
    print (df1)
        Name Vehicle
    0   Dave     Car
    1   Mark    Bike
    2  Steve     Car

    If want these operations separately - first remove all NaNs rows and then remove duplicates for avoid testing duplicates in NaNs rows (if necessary):

    df2 = df.dropna(subset=['Vehicle']).drop_duplicates('Name')
    print (df2)
        Name Vehicle
    0   Dave     Car
    1   Mark    Bike
    2  Steve     Car