
Call a feathers hook from another hook

Is there any way to create a hook that calls 2 different other hooks and then do a || between them?

I would like to call the authenticate('jwt') hook and if this one fails call a custom hook to see if the request is local (so I don't need authentication). If the second hook is positive, I'll go on with the request. If both fail, then it's a no go.

If I call the hooks one after another the first fails and so the service fails.

Can this be achieved or is there a better way to do this?

Thanks in advance


  • Using feathers-hooks-common you can do an iff chain, e.g.

    const { iff, isProvider } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
    module.exports = {
      before: {
        all: iff(isProvider('external'), authenticate('jwt')