I'm not really sure why this autocorrect isnt working, but every time i try to use the Speller()
function i get this error:
TypeError: '>' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'int'
and here is my code:
import time
from autocorrect import Speller
def main(consoleMode):
if consoleMode:
# beg fur input :D
inputVar = input("Console Mode input: ")
if Speller(inputVar.lower()) == "hi" or Speller(inputVar.lower()) == "hello" or Speller(inputVar.lower()) == "wassup" or Speller(inputVar.lower()) == "sup":
if name == None:
name = int(input("Hello!\nI'd like to get to know you.\nWhat's your name?\n> "))
if ("not" in Speller(name) and "tell" in Speller(name)) or ("not" in Speller(name) and "say" in Speller(name)):
print("Alright, I'll just call you Bob for now :)")
name = "Bob"
print("Hey " + name + "!")
while True:
edit: I also tried doing int(disisastringvariable)
but it just doesnt even work as it also throws an error
you might want to check out the documentation for the autocorrect
module the speller
class inits signature is def __init__(self, threshold=0, lang='en'):
So when creating an instance of the class and passing in a single argument it will assume you are passing in a threshold.
So calling Speller("something")
will pass a string in that will be stored as the threshold. then on line 27 of the init method. if threshold > 0
this string will be compared to an int. Hence the error. Since you cannot do > between a string and an int.
I would suggest first read any documentation for this module. The example from the documenation suggest to use it like
>>> spell = Speller(lang='en')
>>> spell("I'm not sleapy and tehre is no place I'm giong to.")
"I'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going to."