I have a local kubernetes cluster on my local docker desktop.
This is how my kubernetes service looks like when I do a kubectl describe service
Name: helloworldsvc
Namespace: test
Labels: app=helloworldsvc
Annotations: kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration:
Selector: app=helloworldapp
Type: ClusterIP
Port: http 9111/TCP
TargetPort: 80/TCP
Session Affinity: None
Events: <none>
This service is pointing to a deployment with a web app.
My question how to I find the url for this service? I already tried http://localhost:9111/ and that did not work.
I verified that the pod that this service points to is up and running.
The service you have created is of type ClusterIP which is only accessible from inside the cluster. You have two ways to access it from your desktop:
Create a nodeport type service and then access it via nodeip:nodeport
Use Kubectl port forward and then access it via localhost:forwardedport