I have a Sumfony 4.3 command that processes some data and loops through a number of "processors" to do the processing. The code uses a factory (autowired) which then instantiates the command.
use App\Entity\ImportedFile;
use App\Service\Processor\Processor;
class Factory implements FactoryInterface
/** @var array */
private $processors;
/** @var TestClausesInterface */
private $testClauses;
private $em;
private $dataSetProvider;
private $ndviFromNasaService;
private $archivalHashService;
private $mailer;
private $projectDir;
public function __construct(
TestClausesInterface $testClauses,
ValidProcessorList $processors,
EntityManagerInterface $em,
DataSetProvider $dataSetProvider,
NDVIFromNasaService $ndviFromNasaService,
ArchivalHashService $archivalHashService,
\Swift_Mailer $mailer,
$this->processors = $processors;
$this->testClauses = $testClauses;
$this->em = $em;
$this->dataSetProvider = $dataSetProvider;
$this->ndviFromNasaService = $ndviFromNasaService;
$this->archivalHashService = $archivalHashService;
$this->mailer = $mailer;
$this->projectDir = $projectDir;
public function findProcessorForFile(ImportedFile $file)
if ($found){
$candidates = $this->recursive_scan( $this->projectDir.'/src/Processor');
foreach ($candidates as $candidate){
if (substr($candidate,0,strlen('Helper')) === 'Helper'){
try {
$candidate = str_replace($this->projectDir.'/src/Processor/', '', $candidate);
$candidate = str_replace('/','\\', $candidate);
$testClassName = '\\App\\Processor\\'.substr( $candidate, 0, -4 );
/* @var Processor $test */
if (!strstr($candidate, 'Helper')) {
$test = new $testClassName($this->testClauses, $this->em, $this->dataSetProvider, $this->ndviFromNasaService, $this->archivalHashService, $this->mailer, $this->projectDir);
However I still have to:
I have around 70 subclasses of Processor. All of them use EntityInterface
, but only a couple use SwiftMailer
and the other dependencies.
As I am adding services to be used only by a few Processors, I am looking for a way to autowire these arguments only at the Processor level. Ideally, also without adding service definitions to services.yml
In summary, I would like to be able to add a dependency to any subclass of Processor
, even if it is a parent class of other subclasses and have the dependency automatically injected.
There is much it is not immediately obvious in your code, but the typical way to resolve this is by using a "service locator". Docs.
Let's imagine you have several services implementing the interface Processor
The interface:
interface Processor {
public function process($file): void;
Couple implementation:
class Foo implements Processor
public function __construct(DataSetProvider $dataSet, ArchivalHashService $archivalHash, \Swift_Mailer $swift) {
// initialize properties
public function process($file) {
// process implementation
public static function getDefaultIndexName(): string
return 'candidateFileOne';
Couple implementations:
class Bar implements Processor
public function __construct(\Swift_Mailer $swift, EntityManagerInterface $em) {
// initialize properties
public function process($file) {
// process implementation
public static function getDefaultIndexName(): string
return 'candidateFileTwo';
Note that each of the processors have completely different dependencies, and can be auto-wired directly, and that each of them has a getDefaultIndexName()
Now we'll "tag" all services implementing the Processor
# services.yaml
# somewhere below the _defaults and the part where you make all classes in `src` available as services
- { name: "processor_services", default_index_method: 'getDefaultIndexName' }
Attention here: The documentation says that if you define a public static function getDefaultIndexName()
it will be picked by default. But I've found this not to be working at the moment. But if you define the default_index_method
you can wire it to a method of your choice. I'm keeping the getDefaultIndexName
for the time being, but you can pick something of your own choice.
Now, if you need this processes in a console command, for example:
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ServiceLocator;
class MyConsoleCommand
private ServiceLocator $locator;
public function __construct(ServiceLocator $locator)
$this->locator = $locator;
To inject the service locator you would do:
arguments: [!tagged_locator { tag: 'processor_services' } ]
And to fetch any of the processors from the service locator you would do:
$fooProcessor = $this->locator->get('candidateFileOne');
$barProcessor = $this->locator->get('candidateFileTwo');
Summping up, basically what you need is:
for each processor, which helps you match files to processors.And you can leave all services auto-wired.
Note: You could use an abstract class instead of an interface, and it would work the same way. I prefer using an interface, but that's up to you.
For completion sake, here is a repo with the above working for Symfony 4.3.