I am trying to extract a certain section from HTML-files. To be specific, I look for the "ITEM 1" Section of the 10-K filings (a US business reports of a certain company). E.g.: https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1591890/000149315218003887/form10-k.htm#a_002
Problem: However, I am not able to find the "ITEM 1" section, nor do I have an idea how to tell my algorithm to search from that point "ITEM 1" to another point (e.g. "ITEM 1A") and extract the text in between.
I am super thankful for any help.
Among others, I have tried this (and similar), but my bd
is always empty:
# bd = soup.body.findAll(text=re.compile('^ITEM 1$'))
# bd = soup.find_all(name="ITEM 1")
# bd = soup.find_all(["ITEM 1", "ITEM1", "Item 1", "Item1", "item 1", "item1"])
print(" Business Section (Item 1): ", bd.content)
print("\n Section not found!")
Using Python 3.7 and Beautifulsoup4
Regards Heka
As I mentioned in a comment, because of the nature of EDGAR, this may work on one filing but fail on another. The principles, though, should generally work (after some adjustments...)
import requests
import lxml.html
url = 'https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1591890/000149315218003887/form10-k.htm#a_002'
source = requests.get(url)
doc = lxml.html.fromstring(source.text)
tabs = doc.xpath('//table[./tr/td/font/a[@name="a_002"]]/following-sibling::p/font')
#in this filing, Item 1 is hiding in a series of <p> tags following a table with an <a> tag with a
#"name" attribute which has a value of "a_002"
flag = ''
for i in tabs:
if flag == 'stop':
if i.text is not None: #we now start extracting the text from each <p> tag and move to the next
nxt = i.getparent().getnext()
#the following detects when the <p> tags of Item 1 end and the next Item begins and then stops
if str(type(nxt)) != "<class 'NoneType'>" and nxt.tag == 'table':
for j in nxt.iterdescendants():
if j.tag == 'a' and j.values()[0]=='a_003':
# we have encountered the <a> tag with a "name" attribute which has a value of "a_003", indicated the beginning of the next Item; so we stop
The output is the text of Item 1 in this filing.