suppose I have a collection with name ParrentObj and a corresponding Eloquent class named ParrentObj:
[//ParentObj eloquent objects
//children eloquent objects
//GrandChildren eloquent objects
I amazed how this line of code works properly because all evidence shows against it:
$result = ParrentObj::find('5e11ae242cb48f79afcd4b07')->where('Children.Code', 'a-a')
->push('Children.$.GrandChildren', $arr);//results: no effect on db
$result = ParrentObj::find('5e11ae242cb48f79afcd4b07')->where('Children.Code', 'a-a')
->push('Children.$.GrandChildren', $arr);//results:add a GrandChildren subdocument under the a-a Children
"ParrenObj" is an Eloquent Object that has a embedsMany relation On the Children field.
"Children" is also an eloquent object that has an "embeds many" relation on the GrandChildren field. (to 0 or n "GrandChildren" eloquent object(s))
as I know the result of the find is an eloquent or collection and with combination with where the result will be a query builder. when I try to get the result of this:
$result = ParrentObj::find($id)->where('Children.Code', "a-a")->first()
the result was a ParrentObj (eloquent object). and as I anticipate the Children field has two members (not one). How eloquent determine that ->push('Children.$.GrandChildren', $arr);
should be applied on which Children?
It does not work for this case:
$result = ParrentObj::find('5e11ae242cb48f79afcd4b07')->where('Children.Code', 'a-b')
->push('Children.$.GrandChildren', $arr);
expected results:
add a GrandChildren with code a-a-a subdocument under the a-b Children
actual result:
does not add any GrandChildren under a-b because whereNotIn matched a GrandChildren with same Code but in different Children