
Docker run --mount make all files available in a different folder during RUN

I want to make a folder on my host machine available during a RUN statement. That is, similar to the effect of a container run with -v:

docker run -v /path/on/host:/path/in/container mycontainer:tag

In the container this gives me /path/in/container with all files/folder in path/on/host.

To this end I am trying the experimental mount options from

RUN --mount=type=bind,target=/path/on/host

This gives me a folder /path/on/host during the RUN.

I then have two problems:

  1. I can ls files inside /path/on/host, but not use them (e.g. cat them). I have tried changing type to e.g. cache and using source like in, but I cannot make it work.

  2. I cannot figure out how to have a different path inside the "RUN image", that is, /path/in/container instead of /path/on/host.


  • I think you have misunderstood what the RUN --mount=type=bind... syntax is for. From the documentation:

    This mount type allows binding directories (read-only) in the context or in an image to the build container.

    In other words, this does not permit you to access arbitrary host directories in the build stage. It is not an analog to the -v command line option on docker run. It only permits you to:

    So for example I can do this do mount a directory from one build stage into a subsequent build stage:

    # syntax=docker/dockerfile:experimental
    FROM centos AS centos
    FROM alpine
    RUN --mount=type=bind,from=centos,source=/,target=/centos ls /centos > /root/centos.txt

    Or if I have a directory named example in my build context, I can do this to mount it during the build process:

    # syntax=docker/dockerfile:experimental
    FROM centos AS centos
    FROM alpine
    RUN --mount=type=bind,source=example,target=/data cp /data/* /root/

    The syntax you're using (with no from specified)...

    RUN --mount=type=bind,target=/path/on/host

    ...simply mounts the root of your build context on /path/on/host inside the container. Remember that target specifies the mountpoint inside the container. E.g., if my build context looks like this:

    ├── Dockerfile
    └── example

    And example/ contains:

    This is a test.

    And the Dockerfile contains a RUN option similar to what you're using:

    # syntax=docker/dockerfile:experimental
    FROM centos AS centos
    FROM alpine
    RUN --mount=type=bind,target=/data cat /data/example/ > /root/

    Then when the image is built, /root/ has the contents of example/