I'm using the antisamy on text i get from tinymce editor.
I'm using the "antisamy-tinymce-1.4.4.xml" file from owaspantisam. (as the policy file).
My problem is that it destroys all of the style tags attributes of the string i get from the tinymce editor. for example: If i have a text which part of it is in red color , and other part is underlined - the string i will get after cleaning the html with antisamy will be all in the same color and it saves only the underline style attribute. how can i save other style attributes?? Is it worng to change the xml so it wont ignore style attributes?
Thank's In Advance.
You can always change the policy file according to your needs. check for property
<property name="color" description="">
under css-rules. check whether the color given matches the validation rules specified there.