
How to create a dynamic vue component that has a computed template containing another component with Object properties without passing it as string

I have a component like this:


    <div :is="dynamicRelation"></div>

  import Entry from '@/components/Entry';
  import weirdService from '@/services/weird.service';
  export default { 
      name: 'Relation',
      data() {
         return {
             entry1: { type: 'entity', value: 'foo', entity: {id: 4}},
             entry2: { type: 'entity', value: 'bar', entity: {id: 5}},
             innerText: '@1 wut @2',
      computed: {
          dynamicRelation() {
              return {
                  template: `<div>${this.innerText
                        .replace('@1', weirdService.entryToHtml(this.entry1))
                        .replace('@2', weirdService.entryToHtml(this.entry2))}</div>`,
                  name: 'DynamicRelation',
                  components: { Entry }


export default {
   entryToHtml(entry) {
       [some logic]
       return `<entry entry='${JSON.stringify(entry)}'></entry>`;
       // unfortunately I cannot return JSX here: <entry entry={entry}></entry>; 
       // I get 'TypeError: h is not a function'
       // unless there is a way to convert JSX to a pure html string on the fly



  export default { 
      name: 'Entry',
      props: {
          entry: String // I need this to be Object
      computed: {
          objEntry() {
              return JSON.parse(this.entry);

The innerText property decides how the components will be rendered and it can be changing all the time by having its @ slots in any position. In this example the result is:


This works since Entry component has as a property entry that is of type String but I have to JSON.stringify() the entry object in weirdService side and then in Entry component I have to JSON.parse() the string to get the real object back. How can I make the above work so that I pass an object directly to a dynamic template so I avoid serialization and deserialization all the time.

btw for this to work runtimeCompiler needs to be enabled in vue.config.js:

module.exports = { 
    runtimeCompiler: true

I know I can use JSX to return components with objects in them but this is allowed only in render() function it seems and not custom ones like mine.


  • I was able to do what I wanted by using JSON.stringify still but pass the entry as object :entry


    export default {
       entryToHtml(entry) {
           return `<entry :entry='${JSON.stringify(entry)}'></entry>`;


      export default { 
          name: 'Entry',
          props: {
              entry: Object