
log returns (almost) same as percent change

I have this function to calculate log of returns. It works as expected.

def log_returns(prices):
    return np.log(prices / prices.shift(1))

data.apply(lambda x: log_returns(x))

The values returned are very close to pct_change method. Is this expected?



  • It is, for small variations in the natural log are almost equal to percentage change, that's not a code issue.

    Since :

    log(A/B) = log(A) - log(B)

    and in your case, A is equal to some small change e of B.

    log(A/B) = log(A) - log(B) =  log(B(1+e)) - log(B)
    log(A/B) = log(B) + log((1+e)) - log(B) = log(1+e)

    For small values of e, meaning that the log is a good approx. around 1

    log(1+e) ≈ e

    For a more mathy explanation, see this SO post.

    See for yourself with this code :

        import pandas as pd
        import numpy as np
        small = np.linspace(0.01, 0.1, 100)
        df = pd.DataFrame({"vals" : small})
        df["changes"] = df["vals"].pct_change()
        df["log div"] = np.log(df["vals"]/df["vals"].shift())
        diff_log = np.log(df["vals"]) - np.log(df["vals"].shift())
        df["diff log"] = diff_log
        diff_log = diff_log[~np.isnan(diff_log)]
        log_div  = df["log div"].dropna().values
        assert(np.allclose(log_div, diff_log))

    and df.head(10):

             values   changes   log div  diff log                                                                               
        0  0.010000       NaN       NaN       NaN                                                                               
        1  0.010909  0.090909  0.087011  0.087011                                                                               
        2  0.011818  0.083333  0.080043  0.080043                                                                               
        3  0.012727  0.076923  0.074108  0.074108                                                                               
        4  0.013636  0.071429  0.068993  0.068993                                                                               
        5  0.014545  0.066667  0.064539  0.064539                                                                               
        6  0.015455  0.062500  0.060625  0.060625                                                                               
        7  0.016364  0.058824  0.057158  0.057158                                                                                  
        8  0.017273  0.055556  0.054067  0.054067                                                                                    
        9  0.018182  0.052632  0.051293  0.051293