I am trying to implement FP-Growth (frequent pattern mining) algorithm in Java. I have built the tree, but have difficulties with conditional FP tree construction; I do not understand what recursive function should do. Given a list of frequent items (in increasing order of frequency counts) - a header, and a tree (list of Node class instances) what steps should the function take?
I have hard time understanding this pseudocode above. Are alpha and Betha nodes in the Tree, and what do generate and construct functions do?
I can do FP-Growth by hand, but find the implementation extremely confusing. If that could help, I can share my code for FP-Tree generation.
An example of the construct function (bottom up way) would be something like:
function construct(Tree, anItem)
conditional_pattern_base = empty list
in Tree find all nodes with tag = anItem
for each node found:
support = node.support
conditional_pattern = empty list
while node.parent != root_node
node = node.parent
conditional_pattern_base.append( (conditional_pattern, support))
return conditional_pattern_base