
what is report server and how it differ from local report and when to use it?

I'm confused about Reporting servers like ssrs,crystal report server ...
why I'd need a report server when I can connect to sql and get the data then bind it to a local report and view it in report viewer
what is the report server and how it differ from local report?
what are the benefits of using report server?
what are the cases in which using report server would be useful?


  • why I'd need a report server when I can connect to sql and get the data then bind it to a local report and view it in report viewer

    what is the report server and how it differ from local report?

    what are the benefits of using report server?

    what are the cases in which using report server would be useful?

    We use Reporting Servers in my company across multiple sites to distribute and publish key reports for every department, this is enables users to access if via an external network as well as our internal network. it utilises window security and our active directory services meaning we can manage the entirety of the information from one central point.

    We use it to generate forms, invoices, KPI data, data subscriptions etc.