I am trying create a subtype which takes certain enumerations of a type for example,
type Integers_Type is (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10);
I want something like this,
subtype Odd_Numbers_Type is Integers_Type (1,3,5,7,9);
I understand that when we use the keyword subtype
of a type we need to use range, but the problem is the enumeration is not in a series.
For this kind of values filtering, I would use subtype predicates.
In your case, modifying your enumeration according to what Keith said :
subtype Odd_Numbers_Type is Integers_Type
with Static_Predicate => Odd_Numbers_Type in ONE | THREE | FIVE | SEVEN | NINE;
If you want to use numeric types instead of enumeration, use the following
type Integers_Type is range 1 .. 10;
subtype Odd_Numbers_Type is Integers_Type
with Dynamic_Predicate => Odd_Numbers_Type mod 2 /= 0;
For more information, you can read the rationale
For Enumeration types, the following compiles using gnatmake -gnata -gnatVa test_enum.adb but warns about the affectation line 14 and fails at execution because of the assert linked to the static predicate.
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
Procedure Test_Enum is
subtype Odd_Numbers_Type is Integers_Type
with Static_Predicate => Odd_Numbers_Type in ONE | THREE | FIVE | SEVEN | NINE;
Test_I : Integers_Type := TWO;
Test_O : Odd_Numbers_Type := ONE;
Put_Line("Test_I=" & Integers_Type'Image (Test_I));
Put_Line ("Test_O=" & Odd_Numbers_Type'Image (Test_O));
Test_O := Test_I;
Put_Line ("Test_O=" & Odd_Numbers_Type'Image (Test_O));
end Test_Enum;
For integer types, using the gnatmake -gnata -gnatVa test_int.adb compilation command, the compiler warns that the check will fail at runtime which is the case as the assertion is triggered.
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
Procedure Test_Int is
type Integers_Type is range 1 .. 10;
subtype Odd_Numbers_Type is Integers_Type
with Dynamic_Predicate => Odd_Numbers_Type mod 2 /= 0;
Test_I : Integers_Type := 2;
Test_O : Odd_Numbers_Type := 1;
Put_Line("Test_I=" & Integers_Type'Image (Test_I));
Put_Line ("Test_O=" & Odd_Numbers_Type'Image (Test_O));
Test_O := Test_I;
Put_Line ("Test_O=" & Odd_Numbers_Type'Image (Test_O));
end Test_Int;
In both cases, removing the -gnata flag will make the program working without taking care of the predicate as asserts are desactivated.