I would like to recover all the channels that have unread messages by a specific user. From the docs, I was only able to find the count of unread messages and the count channels with unread messages for the current user.
If you want get all the channels where currentUser is member and sort them by unread_counts desc:
const result = await client.queryChannels(
{ members: { $in: [currentUser] } },
{ unread_count: -1 },
it is also possible to sort by has_unread: (in this case it doesn't matter the number of unread messages, any channel with unread messages weight the same for sorting)
const result = await client.queryChannels(
{ members: { $in: [currentUser] } },
{ has_unread: -1, last_message_at: -1 },
please take a look at our tests for more info