I have recently started using the pdblp module documented here. However, I find myself spending a lot of time trying to just manipulate the dataframes.
For example, the following code gives:
import pdblp as bbg
con = bbg.BCon(port=8194, timeout=5000, debug=False)
con.debug = False
EURUSD = con.bdh('EURUSD Curncy', 'PX_LAST', monthEnd, monthEnd)
The result is
ticker EURUSD Curncy
field PX_LAST
2019-11-29 1.1018
However, whats the easierst way to get EURUSD = 1.1018
In [1]: from xbbg import blp
In [2]: blp.bdh('EURUSD Curncy', end_date='2019-11-30').iloc[-1, 0]
Out[2]: 1.1018
Reference: xbbg