Given there are apps running in fullscreen mode, I'm wondering if there's a way to list them using JXA. Something similar to below but for all running fullscreen apps.
var list = Application('System Events').applicationProcesses.where({ backgroundOnly: false });
Use case: I'm trying to create a Alfred workflow to navigate fullscreen apps by name.
Here you go:
unwrap = ObjC.deepUnwrap.bind(ObjC);
(function run() {
const bounds = x => ['X', 'Y', 'Width', 'Height'].map(k => x.kCGWindowBounds[k]);
const windowInfo = unwrap($.CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo(
applicationWindows = windowInfo.filter(x => x.kCGWindowLayer==0),
menubar = windowInfo.filter(x => x.kCGWindowName=='Menubar')[0],
desktop = windowInfo.filter(x => x.kCGWindowName=='Desktop')[0],
fullframe = bounds(desktop);
return applicationWindows.filter(x => {
return bounds(x).reduce((ξ, y, i) => {
return ξ && (y==fullframe[i]);
}, true);
}).map(x => x.kCGWindowOwnerName);