I try to learn and deploy sampel code for falcon tutorial in readthedocs.
in this section when testing app by pytest tests
get 1 failed with this title:
E msgpack.exceptions.ExtraData: unpack(b) received extra data.
how to solve this problem?
pytest output:
tests/test_app.py F [100%]
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_______________________________ test_list_images _______________________________
client = <falcon.testing.client.TestClient object at 0x7f2cceed5490>
def test_list_images(client):
doc = {
'images': [
'href': '/images/1eaf6ef1-7f2d-4ecc-a8d5-6e8adba7cc0e.png'
response = client.simulate_get('/images')
> result_doc = msgpack.unpackb(response.content, raw=False)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
> ???
E msgpack.exceptions.ExtraData: unpack(b) received extra data.
msgpack/_unpacker.pyx:209: ExtraData
============================== 1 failed in 0.15s ===============================
app.py, images.py and test_app.py are exactly the code in the tutorial without any changes.
In the previous step they changed the response type to MessagePack. If you kept JSON as a response type, this may be your problem.
To solve replace
result_doc = msgpack.unpackb(response.content, raw=False)
result_doc = json.loads(response.content)