
Extend memory when grow slice (logic grow capacity underlying array)

I know (and read in internet - including this resource). That the logic for increasing memory is: if len array less than 1024 - golang multiply array on 2 else multiply len on 1.25 (and we see this in source code no question but if i fill slice in cycle i see this behaviour

t := []int{}
z := 0
for i := 1; i < 10000; i++ {
    t = append(t, i)

    if z < cap(t) {
        z = cap(t)
        fmt.Println(" len - ", len(t), " : cap - ", cap(t))

len a.k.a. num

len -  1  : cap -  1
len -  2  : cap -  2
len -  3  : cap -  4
len -  5  : cap -  8
len -  9  : cap -  16
len -  17  : cap -  32
len -  33  : cap -  64
len -  65  : cap -  128
len -  129  : cap -  256
len -  257  : cap -  512
len -  513  : cap -  1024
len -  1025  : cap -  1280
len -  1281  : cap -  1696
len -  1697  : cap -  2304
len -  2305  : cap -  3072
len -  3073  : cap -  4096
len -  4097  : cap -  5120
len -  5121  : cap -  7168
len -  7169  : cap -  9216
len -  9217  : cap -  12288

before len 513 - capacity grow x2
len 1025 = 1.25 * len 513 = 1280 - capacity grow x1.25 (ok)
next capacity 1280*1.25 = 1600, but i see 1696 (len 1281).

Why difference = 96?

len 1281 - 3073 wrong, but len 3073 * 1.25 = 5120 (len 4097)

And if golang can ramp up capacity array when increase slice, can it reduce the array when the slice that refers to it is too small?

Thank you!


  • next capacity 1280*1.25 = 1600, but i see 1696 (len 1281).


    // Small allocation sizes (up to and including 32 kB) are
    // rounded to one of about 70 size classes, each of which
    // has its own free set of objects of exactly that size.

    growslice requests an minimum allocation size. mallocgc performs the allocation. mallocgcrounds up to a class size to minimize fragmentation.

    Write a shrink memory function.

    package main
    import "fmt"
    func shrink(s []byte) []byte {
        if (cap(s)-len(s))/len(s) >= 1 {
            t := s
            s = make([]byte, len(s), 2*len(s))
            copy(s, t)
        return s
    func main() {
        s := make([]byte, 32, 256)
        fmt.Println(len(s), cap(s))
        s = shrink(s)
        fmt.Println(len(s), cap(s))



    32 256
    32 64

    As you can see it costs time and memory. Only you can decide whether it is worth it in your particular case.