I have the following problem on WINDOWS (Italian):
my NLS_LANG parameter is: ITALIAN_ITALY.UTF8
i want to execute the following query:
Doing it by using command line (pure sqlplus) stores invalid data inside DB.
Doing it by using SQLDEVELOPER stores correct data.
I cannot find any way to set this stuff correctly, what should I do? Using SQLPLUS from command line is required.
Any help is appreciated.
When you use sqlplus then it inherits the character set from command line window. You can interrogate and modify character set (aka encoding) with chcp
, I assume it is CP850
- which is not UTF8
Run chcp 65001
before you start sqlplus, then it should work. See also Converting German special characters to English equivalent one in Oracle SQL / PL-SQL or to read more details OdbcConnection returning Chinese Characters as "?"