I'm using Savon library to get some SOAP requests work. And i'm using almost the same code within IRB and Rails application. When i'm running IRB everything works as it should, but Rails generate error "no method 'to_hash' for nil:NilClass" inside savon's do_request -> respond_with
Here's my code (the same when running it within IRB or Rails):
# setup Savon client for SOAP requests
client = Savon::Client.new "http://www.webservicex.net/country.asmx?WSDL"
# test if "webservicex.net" server is up and running
actions = client.wsdl.soap_actions
raise "SOAP server is down" if actions.nil? or actions.length <= 0
# get country list
resp = client.request :get_countries
raise "No response for countries" if resp.nil?
resp = resp[:get_countries_response][:get_countries_result]
None of that exceptions is risen nor code far than 'pinging server' is executed.
What's wrong and how could i fix that?
It's problem with httpi
gem - https://github.com/rubiii/savon/issues/163
Just use 0.9.1