
Getting Typescript strictNullChecks to work with undefined returning vanilla js functions

With idiomatic js returning undefined on error, converted to TS

function multiply(foo: number | undefined){
   if (typeof foo !== "number"){
   return 5 * foo;

When using multiply in new TS code i get the problem of the compiler believing doStuff can return undefined, when it cannot.

So i tried to write an "unsafe" version of this function called by safe TS code, leaving the safe version for regular js code.

function unsafeMultiply(num: number){
   return multiply(num);

Since unsafeMultiply can only accept a number, the type guard in multiply should consider that multiply will only return a number since unsafeMultiply can only process number. If this is too complicated for the compiler, how do i force him to accept i know what i'm doing ?


  • When using multiply in new TS code i get the problem of the compiler believing doStuff can return undefined, when it cannot.

    Yes, it can: multiply(undefined) returns undefined.

    If this is too complicated for the compiler, how do i force him to accept i know what i'm doing ?

    You can do a type assertion, since you know that multiply will only return undefined if it is called with a non-number:

    function unsafeMultiply(num: number) {
       return multiply(num) as number;

    Or you can add code for a type guard at runtime:

    function unsafeMultiply(num: number) {
      let result = multiply(num);
      if (typeof result === "undefined") {
        throw new Error("Invalid num argument");
      return result;

    But if it were me, I'd make the multiply function fail or return NaN rather than returning undefined, if given undefined. Then unsafeMultiply wouldn't be needed.