I have the following inquirer prompt, which as far as I understands returns an array of strings:
{name: "food",
message:"choose your favorite ➝ ",
type: "checkbox",
choices: ["option1", "option2", "option3", "option4", "option5", "option6"],
when: function(answers) {
return answers.client;
validate: function(choices) {
return choices.length <= 3 ? true : "Please select at least 3 choices";
And then I want to print the answer as follows:
let foods = answers.food ? "You chose the following: \n " + answers.food.map(option => "• " + option + "\n") : "";
Hoping to get something like:
You chose the following: • option1 • option2 • option3
And Instead I'm getting something like this:
• option1 ,• option2 ,• option3
Anyone has an Idea of how can I remove those annoying commas?
You are concatenating an array to a string, JS deals with this by calling Array#join
with a parameter of ,
. So with that in mind you can do let foods = answers.food ? "You chose the following: \n " + answers.food.map(option => "• " + option + "\n").join('') : "";