
Unable to create Linux Function Apps (Consumption plan) and Linux App Service Plans and in the same Resource Group

I am unable to create an Azure Function App (hosted on Linux on a Consumption plan) in a Resource Group which already contains 2 App Services hosted on Linux. I am getting an Error (from the Azure portal) saying that the “Requested Feature is not available in the resource group”. Are there any restrictions in having a dynamic and app service plan on Linux in the same RG?

This is the complete error: <b> { "Code": "BadRequest", "Message": "Requested feature is not available in resource group *******. Please try using a different resource group or create a new one.", "Target": null, "Details": [ { "Message": "Requested feature is not available in resource group ********. Please try using a different resource group or create a new one." }, { "Code": "BadRequest" }, { "ErrorEntity": { "ExtendedCode": "59324", "MessageTemplate": "Requested feature is not available in resource group {0}. Please try using a different resource group or create a new one.", "Parameters": [ "************" ], "Code": "BadRequest", "Message": "Requested feature is not available in resource group *******. Please try using a different resource group or create a new one." } } ], "Innererror": null } </b>

I have also attached the screengrab of the Function App that I am trying to create: Event-Store-issue


  • You cannot create a Linux Web App in an App Service plan already hosting non-Linux Web Apps.

    Based on a current limitation, for the same resource group you cannot mix Windows and Linux apps in the same region.

    It is mentioned in Public doc

    More explanation is given here.