I am writing a telegram to the bot. I ran into such a problem. I need the bot to send a message (text) when clicked on which it was copied (as a token from @BotFather)
If I understand you correctly, you wish to send a message, that when the user presses it, the text is automatically copied to the user's clipboard, just like the BotFather sends the API token?
This is done by the MarkDown parse_mode
Send a message with &parse_mode=MarkDown
and wrap the 'pressable' text in back-ticks (`
Hi. `Press me!`!
https://api.telegram.org/bot<token>/sendMessage?chat_id=<id>&text=Hi! `Press me!`&parse_mode=MarkDown
Bases on OP's comment you're looking for a python-telegram-bot solution.
From there documentation;
text="*bold* _italic_ `fixed width font` [link](http://google.com).",