
How to replace a React component with another one when its state is changed

I'm pretty new with React and this is what i'm trying to accomplish:

I want to show a large image that takes 3-4 seconds to load, so i want to show user a loader, which is achievable using ReactImage from

Then i want to add an option to zoom, but the zoom function should only be available after the image is loaded successfully, so i'm planning to use

However there's no events or possible way to make the 2 communicate their states with each other so that in my render() function i can choose to use either ReactImage or ReactImageMagnify.

Any help would be appreciated.

Here is some pseudocode, i have a react component called Preview, and it has a render() function that returns either ReactImage or ReactImageMagnify

export class Preview extends React.Component {
    render() {
        // if image is not yet loaded then return ReactImage
                    style={{ zIndex: 1 }}
                    loader={<LoadingImage />}

        //if not, return ReactImageMagnify
                <ReactImageMagnify {...{
                    smallImage: {
                        alt: 'Chef Works',
                        isFluidWidth: true,
                        src: 'smallimage.png'
                    bigImage: {
                        alt: 'Chef Works',
                        isFluidWidth: true,
                        src: 'bigimage.png'



  • I realized all i needed from the ReactImage was just the loading icon when image is not yet loaded, so i implemented the same behavior based on Travis James' answer and have a conditional display property for the ReactImageMagnify instead. Code is as follows:

    import React, {useState} from "react";
    import ReactImageMagnify from 'react-image-magnify';
    import { LoadingImage } from 'ui/component/loading-image';
    import styles from './style.css';
    export const PreviewWithZoom = ({imageLink, zoomImageLink}) => {
        const [loaded, setLoaded] = useState(false);
        const [loadedZoom, setLoadedZoom] = useState(false);
            {loaded ? null : <LoadingImage />}
                style={loaded && !loadedZoom ? {} : {display: 'none'}}
                onLoad={() => setLoaded(true)}
                style={{display: 'none'}}
                onLoad={() => setLoadedZoom(true)}
            <div style={loaded && loadedZoom ? {} : {display: 'none'}}>
                <ReactImageMagnify {...{
                    className: styles.previewZoom,
                    smallImage: {
                        src: imageLink,
                        width: 670,
                        height: 670
                    largeImage: {
                        src: zoomImageLink,
                        width: 1500,
                        height: 1500,