I am using dmenu list selection tool on linux. Let's assume my typical invocation goes like that:
ls | dmenu $DMENU_OPTIONS
Settings from .dmenurc:
Then, I have use some quicklaunch script based on dmenu. It takes dmenu options with this line:
dmenu_cmd="dmenu $DMENU_OPTIONS"
Now, I switch font name to Liberation Mono and the font piece is now recognised as two parameters for one option. Dmenu gets syntax error. I couldn't get around that using quotes or backslashes. So there is a variable with a spacebar which should be passed to another variable.
if you split font name from other arguments like the example below and use double quotes, it will work:
DMENU_FONT="Dejavu Sans Mono:medium:size=18"
DMENU_OPTS="-nb #191919 -nf #FF0000 -sb #FF9318 -sf #191919"
ls | dmenu -fn "$DMENU_FONT" $DMENU_OPTS
Notice that DMENU_FONT
is within double quotes while DMENU_OPTS
is not, as the goal is returning font name as a single value, and the second variable as multiple arguments.
Hope it helps.