I am developing a MacOS app using SwiftUI and would like a Picker to shrink to only show its label and content, and a Spacer to take up the rest of the view, but I'm not sure what the correct way to do this. The code looks something like this:
Text("more text")
Picker(selection: self.$stuff, label: Text("some stuff:")) {
ForEach(0 ..< self.getStuff().count) {
and the Picker is expanded to take up as much room as possible. I would prefer that the picker take up the minimum amount of space and the Spacer to take up the remaining space.
Edit: photo:
You can use .scaledToFit
to fit it to content as below
Picker(selection: self.$stuff, label: Text("some stuff:")) {
ForEach(0 ..< self.getStuff().count) {
// .frame(width: 160) // < alternate approach - give explicit desired width