I want to fetch results from two tables properties and properties_x where properties.address
or properties_x.address_x
like test
with laravel pagination.
There is no foreign key relationship between these two tables.
id name address
1 test1
2 test2
3 test3
4 test3 test
5 test4 test
id name address
1 test1_x test
2 test2_x
3 test3_x
4 test3_x test
5 test4_x
Expected results:
name address
test3 test
test4 test
test1_x test
test3_x test
Use union all
to union two table's datas,
And get the columns from these datas in DB, so you can use pagination.
try it like this:
$p1 = DB::table('properties')
->where('address', 'test')
->select('name', 'address');
$p2 = DB::table('properties_x')
->where('address', 'test')
->select('name', 'address');
$p = $p1->unionAll($p2);
DB::table(DB::raw("({$p->toSql()}) AS p"))
->select('name', 'address')