I am trying to create postgis 3.0 extension on postgresql12 on centos7 (both are installed using yum native rpms)
yum install postgis30_12.x86_64
but i am getting different errors with GEOS. currently the error i am getting is
postgres=# create extension postgis;
ERROR: could not load library "/usr/pgsql-12/lib/postgis-3.so": /usr/pgsql-12/lib/postgis-3.so: undefined symbol: GEOSCoordSeq_getXY
geos-config --version 3.8.0
The PostGIS binary you are using was built with a GEOS version that is incompatible with the one installed. You have to either install a different GEOS library or a different PostGIS.
Normally, such an incompatibility should be made obvious by using a different library version. GEOS seems to be sloppy here.