I'm working on a Smalltalk small method, I want this method to iterate over a dictionary array and to return True or False depend on the conditions.
The dictionary array is an instance variable, name dictArray.
It looks like: [{'name': toto, 'age': 12}, {'name': tata, 'age': 25}]
So I want to iterate over dictArray and verify for each item the name and the age. If it matches I return true else false and the end of the iteration.
In python it should look like:
for item in dictArray:
if item['name'] == aName and item['age'] == aAge:
return True
return False
I can't find documentation with this special case (array iteration + condition + return)
Hope someone can help me!
To test whether a Collection contains an element that matches a condition, use anySatisfy:
. It answers true iff there is a matching element.
dictArray anySatisfy: [:each | (each at: 'name') = aName and: [(each at: 'age') = anAge]]
Reference: https://www.gnu.org/software/smalltalk/manual-base/html_node/Iterable_002denumeration.html
The way described above is the preferred way to write it. The following is only for explanation how it relates to your Python code example.
can be implemented in terms of do:
anySatisfy: aBlock
self do: [:each | (aBlock value: each) ifTrue: [^ true]].
^ false
Or spelled out with your condition:
dictArray do:
[:each |
((each at: 'name') = aName and: [(each at: 'age') = anAge])
ifTrue: [^ true]].
^ false
This is the equivalent of your Python code.