
List all available ingress controllers on Kubernetes

I have a GKE cluster with Traefik being used as an ingress controller.

I want to create a GKE ingress, but I can't find anywhere which kubernetes.io/ingress.class to use.

I tried to use kubernetes.io/ingress.class: gce, but nothing happened... it's almost like the ingress was completely ignored.

Is there a way to list all available ingress controllers/classes? Or, at least, which kubernetes.io/ingress.class should I use to create a GKE Ingress? (I'll still use traefik for other ingresses).


  • Run describe on the Ingress. If you see create/add events, you have an Ingress controller running in the cluster, otherwise, you probably have the HttpLoadBalancing(GKE Ingress Controller) add-on disabled on your GKE cluster.