julia> typealias
ERROR: UndefVarError: typealias not defined
it's working in Julia:0.5 but is not working in above versions
help?> typealias
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Introduce a new name for an already expressible type. For example, in
base/boot.jl, UInt is type aliased to either UInt64 or UInt32 as appropriate
for the size of pointers on the system:
if is(Int,Int64)
typealias UInt UInt64
typealias UInt UInt32
For parametric types, typealias can be convenient for providing names in
cases where some parameter choices are fixed. In base for example:
typealias Vector{T} Array{T,1}
So is there any other function or keyword that can be used and works the same way?
There are two ways to define a type alias, which can be seen in the following example:
julia> const MyVector1 = Array{T,1} where T
Array{T,1} where T
julia> MyVector2{T} = Array{T,1}
Array{T,1} where T
You can see that both of these type aliases are equivalent to the built-in Vector
type alias:
julia> Vector
Array{T,1} where T
See Type Aliases and UnionAll Types in the manual for more information.