
SAG Web Methods - Soap Web Service - URL Alias

We have SAG Webmethods implementation being used as an API Gateway in our project. We do not have much expertise in WebMethods. Based on a document received from the team which was maintaining this gateway implementation we are trying to build a custom gateway solution using open source software.

There is a soap web service which is being accessed by clients using /soap URL but based on looking at the web service implementation with WebMethods, we can see that the soap web service end point is of the pattern /ws/**.

Any idea where can we check to find how the mapping is happening from incoming url /soap to actual soap webservice end point /ws/**? We checked under "Settings > URL Aliases" of Web Methods Integration Server but there is no url alias set for this mapping.

Could you please help provide some pointers on where such a configuration could be set up for this redirection?

Regards, Jacob


  • if i understood the issue the right way, this configuration is done as a part of webMethods code only. you need to open the wM packages in SoftwareAG Designer and in the Service Development perspective of Designer ,Connect to the Integration Server with those packages and have a look at the contents. You need to find something called WSD. if you right click and say property you will see the Element Type as :Web Service Descriptor.Open the WSD and on the right side you can see properties window which can have properties like WSDL URL /Source URI. this is where this /ws/ Config is done. Any requests hitting this URL will be handled by the associated WSD defined.

    There is also an option to add an alias here in

    admin Console--->Settings-->WebService--->Create provider /Web Service endpoint Alias
