
Spring aspect how to update a common field across multiple objects

I am writing a Spring aspect and looking for a way to update a field on the returning object

My Dto's

public class BaseDto{
   LocalDateTime testTime;

public class TestDto{
  private BaseDto baseDtol

public class SampleDto{
  private BaseDto baseDtol

My converters classes:

public TestDto covert(){
  return new TestDto()

public SampleDto covert(){
  return new SampleDto()


public class TestAspect {
   @AfterReturning(value = "@annotation(TestAnnotation)", returning = "entity")
   public void test(JoinPoint joinPoint, Object entity){
      //Looking for a way to set BaseDto in the TestDto and SampleDto objects

My aspect would be called from the converters class and returning objects can be SampleDto and TestDto. I am looking for a way to set the BaseDto object in them.


  • Edited

    You can use java reflection to dynamically set BaseDto object to entity field.

    1- Iterate through fields of entity.

    • Check fields type (must equal to BaseDto.class)

    2- set accessibility of the checked field to true.

    3- set new BaseDto() to field.

    @AfterReturning(pointcut = "servicePointCut()", returning = "entity")
    public void afterReturningAdvice(JoinPoint joinPoint, Object entity) throws IllegalAccessException 
        //Iterate through fields of entity
        for (Field field : entity.getClass().getDeclaredFields()) {
            //Check type of field (equals to BaseDto.class)
            if (field.getType().equals(BaseDto.class)) {
                //Set accessibility of field to true
                //Set new BaseDto to entityobject
                BaseDto baseDto = new BaseDto();
                field.set(entity, baseDto);
     //Rest of afterReturningAdvice method ...