
XPages : How to get document collection for dominoView datasource with 'search' property in SSJS

I filtered out XPages view with 'search' option. Then I'd like to access all of the documents by SSJS.

If I access the bound Notes view by database.getView("ViewName"), the view is not searched and could not get the searched result.

How can I access the document collection?


  • The dominoView data source is just a wrapper that runs calls on the underlying view to return a subset of entries to display in a view component (Data Table, View Panel, Repeat, Data View etc). Consequently, unless the rows property is set to a large enough value to get a handle on all responses, you’re unlikely to be able to access what you want that way.

    The best approach will be to run the search on the backend view in SSJS / Java.

    See https://www.intec.co.uk/understanding-xpages-views/ for a more detailed explanation of the different elements involved and their inter-relationships.