
Flutter directed graph. Can I use CustomPainter Class with custom widgets?

I want to build a directed graph like in the picture below with flutter. I dont know where to start. I searched at internet without success. Which algorihms do I need for this kind of graph? I tried to build this graph with custom painter class. I dont know how to use custom widgets inside custom painter class. (for example a rect with a picture of person and text beside). I only was able to draw rect and lines... Zoom and pan I thought I can do with GestureDetector class. The graph should be customizable dynamicly.

enter image description here


  • You need to split your tasks.

    1. Make the layer to zoom and move whole scene, you can use the GestureDetector widget with onScale events + Transform.scale widget, (check zoom_widget package).
    2. Make the single item draggable. Use GestureDetector + onPan events.
    3. Draw connection lines between element using CustomPainter. I've made direct lines to show the main logic.

    .. add extra logic how to add new items.

    Update: codepen interactive version created by @maks

    enter image description here

    import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
    void main() => runApp(MyApp());
    class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return MaterialApp(
          home: Scaffold(
            body: Center(
              child: Container(
                alignment: Alignment.center,
                child: ItemsScene(),
                decoration: BoxDecoration(
                  border: Border.all(
                    color: Colors.blueAccent,
    class ItemsScene extends StatefulWidget {
      _ItemsSceneState createState() => _ItemsSceneState();
    class _ItemsSceneState extends State<ItemsScene> {
      List<ItemModel> items = [
        ItemModel(offset: Offset(70, 100), text: 'text1'),
        ItemModel(offset: Offset(200, 100), text: 'text2'),
        ItemModel(offset: Offset(200, 230), text: 'text3'),
      Function onDragStart(int index) => (x, y) {
            setState(() {
              items[index] = items[index].copyWithNewOffset(Offset(x, y));
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return Stack(
          children: <Widget>[
              size: Size(double.infinity, double.infinity),
              painter: CurvedPainter(
                offsets: items.map((item) => item.offset).toList(),
      List<Widget> _buildItems() {
        final res = <Widget>[];
        items.asMap().forEach((ind, item) {
            onDragStart: onDragStart(ind),
            offset: item.offset,
            text: item.text,
        return res;
    class _Item extends StatelessWidget {
        Key key,
      final double size = 100;
      final Offset offset;
      final Function onDragStart;
      final String text;
      _handleDrag(details) {
        var x = details.globalPosition.dx;
        var y = details.globalPosition.dy;
        onDragStart(x, y);
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return Positioned(
          left: offset.dx - size / 2,
          top: offset.dy - size / 2,
          child: GestureDetector(
            onPanStart: _handleDrag,
            onPanUpdate: _handleDrag,
            child: Container(
              width: size,
              height: size,
              child: Text(text),
              decoration: BoxDecoration(
                color: Colors.white,
                border: Border.all(
                  color: Colors.blueAccent,
    class CurvedPainter extends CustomPainter {
      final List<Offset> offsets;
      void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) {
        if (offsets.length > 1) {
          offsets.asMap().forEach((index, offset) {
            if (index == 0) return;
              offsets[index - 1],
                ..color = Colors.red
                ..strokeWidth = 2,
      bool shouldRepaint(CurvedPainter oldDelegate) => true;
    class ItemModel {
      ItemModel({this.offset, this.text});
      final Offset offset;
      final String text;
      ItemModel copyWithNewOffset(Offset offset) {
        return ItemModel(offset: offset, text: text);