
AWS Personalize in Cost Explorer

I am using for 4 dataset group for example:-

  1. Movies
  2. Mobile
  3. Laptops
  4. AC

And in each datasetGroup, we have 3 datasets with name Users, Item and Item_User_INTERACTIONS

And we also have one solution and Campaigns for each dataset group.

I am also sending the real-time event to AWS Personalize using API (putEvent)

The above things cost me about 100USD in two days and showing 498 TPS hours used and I am unable to find the real reason for this much cost.

Or does AWS Personalize simply cost this much?


  • As your billing tells you, you have used 498 TPS hours, let's calculate if it should be $100.

    According to official Amazon Personalize pricing:

    For first 20K TPS-hour per month you have to pay $0.20 per TPS-hour.

    You have used 498 TPS hours in two days, it gives us: $0.2 * 498 = $99.6 in total.

    The answer is: yes, it's expensive.

    Another question is: How TPS usage is calculated?

    They charge you for each TPS that is currently reserved. So if you have a campaign with 1 TPS and it's created for 24 hours, then you will be charged for 24[h] x 1[TPS] = 24 TPS hours = $4.8.

    The problem is, that $0.2 doesn't look expensive, but if you multiply it by hours, it becomes very expensive.

    For testing purposes you should always set TPS to 1, since you cannot set it to 0. 1 TPS allows you to get 3600 recommendations per hour, which is a lot anyways.