I developed an .Net Core Application that creates a Group with a Team and a Planner asociated to it. By default, the language of the Group and Team is the one that I have configured in my local Team application (Spanish). But the Planner language is always in English and I dont find how to configure that using the GraphClient for C#. If I create a Plan from my Local Team Application it is in Spanish, but if I created usingg the Graph API is created in English (everything else is in Spanish).
A few days ago I saw that there was a property in the Group object called preferredLanguage but seems that they have removed it.
This is the Plan created from the Graph API:
And this one is created from the Teams Application:
Just to clarify, i have everything in Spanish, including my O365.
Anyone knows how can I set the language of the planner to be spanish from the Graph API? Is this a bug?
Thanks a lot!
I found the solution thanks to @tarkan-sevilmis that guided me in the right direction.
Accordint to the documentation, you have to use the following urls:
TeamsAppId: https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/appCatalogs/teamsApps/com.microsoft.teamspace.tab.planner
ContentUrl: https://tasks.office.com/{tenantName}/Home/PlannerFrame?page=7&planId={planId}
RemoveUrl: https://tasks.office.com/{tenantName}/Home/PlannerFrame?page=7&planId={planId}
WebsiteUrl: https://tasks.office.com/{tenantName}/Home/PlannerFrame?page=7&planId={planId}
But this created the Planner always in English. So I created a Planner manually using Teams for Windows (this one was created in Spanish) and I compare the two using Graph Explorer (GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/teams/{id}/channels/{id}/tabs?$expand=teamsApp)
I found out that the urls were a bit different:
contentUrl and RemoveUrl where https://tasks.office.com/{tenantName}/Home/PlannerFrame?page=7&planId={planId}&auth_pvr=Orgid&auth_upn={{upn}}&mkt={{locale}} (note here that I added &auth_pvr=Orgid&auth_upn={{upn}}&mkt={{locale}} at the end of the url).
websiteUrl was https://tasks.office.com/{tenantName}/Home/PlanViews/{planId}.
So I used these ones instead of the ones that the documentation said and Wuala! It worked.
NOTE: in the URLs I just put in here I am using string interpolation (according c#), so take that in account when you read the URLs