
Kofax Transformation VBA Script to update field value

Im not really used on Kofax technologies and I have a Kofax Transformation form with fields on 2 different tabs. Here is an abstract of this form on which I have to interact on validation process.

enter image description here

Among those fields, I try to update the content of some of them with a validation rule on validation stage. I simply created a multi field validation rule and mapped correctly the fields.

enter image description here

It was proposed a basic script to check if the fields are valid or not. Based on this script I tried some logic. The Objective is to set the content of a field (which is empty and required) based on a basic condition on the second field. My objective (later) will be to fill / update the fields based on the “Siret” field value with a database call. My validation rule is the following : I check the “Siret” string length (it should be a 14 chars string). If this is true, I set the Validation to true and set the other field a value.

Private Sub Validation_Validate(ByVal ValItems As CASCADELib.CscXDocValidationItems, ByVal pXDoc As CASCADELib.CscXDocument, ByRef ErrDescription As String, ByRef ValidField As Boolean)
   Dim strNAF As String
   Dim strSiret As String

   strNAF = ValItems.Item("NAF").Text
   strSiret = ValItems.Item("Siret").Text

   ' enter your own validation rule here
   If Len(strSiret) <= 14 Then
      pXDoc.Fields.ItemByName("NAF").Text = "GOOD JOB"
      ValidField = True
      ValidField = False
      ErrDescription = "Describe the error here"
   End If
End Sub

This validation should occurred when I press key enter on the “Siret” input field. It doesn’t seem to work actually. I wonder what is going wrong at this stage.


  • The best place to have a field's value changed depends on your use case. Kofax Transformation Modules follows a distinct pattern, and you should always try to follow it. For example, when you find yourself putting code in the AfterExtract method, you should reconsider -- there is almost always a better way. For a tl;dr just jump to Where to set values?

    Natural Order

    When you observe a field in Validation, here's what happens behind the scenes:

    1. A locator detects information (i.e. one or more alternatives).
    2. The locator is assigned to a field. The field will always hold the topmost alternative. By default, your field will be valid if there is only a single confident alternative, or if the second best alternative has a 20% lower confidence.
    3. Your field may or or may not have a formatter associated with it. The formatter can make the field invalid (or even valid, if desired)
    4. You field can be part of one or more validation rules. Validation rules can make fields valid or invalid, but they only fire if formatting was successful.


    Here's an example. Imagine you want to detect dates, and you want them in database format (yyyyMMdd). The dates on your documents are in US format (MM/dd/yyyy), and there are two, but the first one has "invoice date" as keyword besides it.

    1. You configure a format locator to pick up dates, along with a keyword. The locator yields two alternatives: 01/20/2020 at 100% and 01/10/2020 at 0%.
    2. Since the second alternative is not considered (below 10% threshold), the field will hold the first one.
    3. Since the first alternative of the field in confident (80%), formatting is applied. The formatter changes the field's value to 20200120, and the field is still valid.
    4. You configure a date validation method, and use said method for the field. You check whether the date is in the future or not, and let's say today's January 19. The field is now invalid since 20200120 is one day in the future.

    This brings us back to the original question - where you you change a field's value? Changing it in a validation script is possible, but bear in mind that this breaks the natural order of things. Even worse, if formatting fails in the first place your code never executes.

    Where to set values?

    Depending on the use case, here are my recommendations:

    Your requirement

    Now, back to your original requirement:

    The Objective is to set the content of a field (which is empty and required) based on a basic condition on the second field. My objective (later) will be to fill / update the fields based on the “Siret” field value with a database call. My validation rule is the following : I check the “Siret” string length (it should be a 14 chars string). If this is true, I set the Validation to true and set the other field a value.

    This depends on whether you want your users to be able to change the second field during validation. If not, go for a script locator. Note that script locators can have two subfields, and each subfield can be assigned to a different field.

    If your users should be able to change it, go for multi-field script validation. Both fields should be part of the validation, and a length check should be the first thing you do. Then, if Siret has more than 14 characters, issue the database call.

    A word about DRY and General Design

    Not knowing your exact requirements, here are some thoughts about reusability. Let's say that Siret isn't always keyed in manually by users - in fact, a locator might pick up said text. This is where you want to create a specific method for calling the database and returning a result. Note that KTM has native support for relational databases, and you can even access this model in script.

    Another alternative is to use local or remote fuzzy databases along with a database locator (again, if Siret is present on your document).