
Changing the font size of multipanel Taylor plot using openair package in R

I have created a multipanel Taylor plot using openair package. I want to change the font size of 'correlation' and 'observed' and make it sentence case. I have used the following code:

TaylorDiagram(data, obs = "Observed", mod = "Predicted", group = "Method", type = "Station")

enter image description here


  • The task is now achieved by changing the source code of TaylorDiagram from openair package using the following code

    TaylorDiagram1 <- function(mydata, obs = "obs", mod = "mod", group = NULL, type = "default",
                               normalise = FALSE, cols = "brewer1",
                               rms.col = "darkgoldenrod", cor.col = "black", arrow.lwd = 3,
                               annotate = "centred\nRMS error",
                               key = TRUE, key.title = group, key.columns = 1,
                               key.pos = "right", strip = TRUE, auto.text = TRUE, ...) {
      ## get rid of R check annoyances
      sd.mod <- R <- NULL
      ## greyscale handling
      ## set graphics
      current.strip <- trellis.par.get("strip.background")
      current.font <- trellis.par.get("fontsize")
      ## reset graphic parameters
        fontsize = current.font
      if (length(cols) == 1 && cols == "greyscale") {
        trellis.par.set(list(strip.background = list(col = "white")))
        ## other local colours
        method.col <- "greyscale"
      } else {
        method.col <- "default"
      ## extra.args setup
      extra.args <- list(...)
      ## label controls (some local xlab, ylab management in code)
      extra.args$xlab <- if ("xlab" %in% names(extra.args)) {
        quickText(extra.args$xlab, auto.text)
      } else {
      extra.args$ylab <- if ("ylab" %in% names(extra.args)) {
        quickText(extra.args$ylab, auto.text)
      } else {
      extra.args$main <- if ("main" %in% names(extra.args)) {
        quickText(extra.args$main, auto.text)
      } else {
        quickText("", auto.text)
      if ("fontsize" %in% names(extra.args)) {
        trellis.par.set(fontsize = list(text = extra.args$fontsize))
      if (!"layout" %in% names(extra.args)) {
        extra.args$layout <- NULL
      if (!"pch" %in% names(extra.args)) {
        extra.args$pch <- 20
      if (!"cex" %in% names(extra.args)) {
        extra.args$cex <- 2
      ## #######################################################################################
      ## check to see if two data sets are present
      combine <- FALSE
      if (length(mod) == 2) combine <- TRUE
      if (any(type %in% dateTypes)) {
        vars <- c("date", obs, mod)
      } else {
        vars <- c(obs, mod)
      ## assume two groups do not exist
      twoGrp <- FALSE
      if (!missing(group)) if (any(group %in% type)) stop("Can't have 'group' also in 'type'.")
      mydata <- cutData(mydata, type, ...)
      if (missing(group)) {
        if ((!"group" %in% type) & (!"group" %in% c(obs, mod))) {
          mydata$group <- factor("group")
          group <- "group"
          npol <- 1
        ## don't overwrite a
      } else { ## means that group is there
        mydata <- cutData(mydata, group, ...)
      ## if group is present, need to add that list of variables unless it is
      ## a pre-defined date-based one
      if (!missing(group)) {
        npol <- length(unique((mydata[[group[1]]])))
        ## if group is of length 2
        if (length(group) == 2L) {
          twoGrp <- TRUE
          grp1 <- group[1]
          grp2 <- group[2]
          if (missing(key.title)) key.title <- grp1
          vars <- c(vars, grp1, grp2)
          mydata$newgrp <- paste(mydata[[group[1]]], mydata[[group[2]]], sep = "-")
          group <- "newgrp"
        if (group %in% dateTypes | any(type %in% dateTypes)) {
          vars <- unique(c(vars, "date", group))
        } else {
          vars <- unique(c(vars, group))
      ## data checks, for base and new data if necessary
      mydata <- checkPrep(mydata, vars, type)
      # check mod and obs are numbers
      mydata <- checkNum(mydata, vars = c(obs, mod))
      ## remove missing data
      mydata <- na.omit(mydata)
      legend <- NULL
      ## function to calculate stats for TD
      calcStats <- function(mydata, obs = obs, mod = mod) {
        R <- cor(mydata[[obs]], mydata[[mod]], use = "pairwise")
        sd.obs <- sd(mydata[[obs]])
        sd.mod <- sd(mydata[[mod]])
        if (normalise) {
          sd.mod <- sd.mod / sd.obs
          sd.obs <- 1
        res <- data.frame(R, sd.obs, sd.mod)
      vars <- c(group, type)
      results <- group_by(mydata, UQS(syms(vars))) %>%
        do(calcStats(., obs = obs, mod = mod[1]))
  <- NULL
      if (combine) { <- group_by(mydata, UQS(syms(vars))) %>%
          do(calcStats(., obs = obs, mod = mod[2]))
      ## if no group to plot, then add a dummy one to make xyplot work
      if (is.null(group)) {
        results$MyGroupVar <- factor("MyGroupVar")
        group <- "MyGroupVar"
      ## set up colours
      myColors <- openColours(cols, npol)
      pch.orig <- extra.args$pch
      ## combined colours if two groups
      if (twoGrp) {
        myColors <- rep(
          openColours(cols, length(unique(mydata[[grp1]]))),
          each = length(unique(mydata[[grp2]]))
        extra.args$pch <- rep(extra.args$pch, each = length(unique(mydata[[grp2]])))
      ## basic function for lattice call + defaults
      temp <- paste(type, collapse = "+")
      myform <- formula(paste("R ~ sd.mod", "|", temp, sep = ""))
      scales <- list(x = list(rot = 0), y = list(rot = 0))
  <- sapply(levels(mydata[, group]), function(x) quickText(x, auto.text))
      if (key & npol > 1 & !combine) {
        thecols <- unique(myColors)
        if (twoGrp) {
 <- levels(factor(mydata[[grp1]]))
        key <- list(
          points = list(col = thecols), pch = pch.orig,
          cex = extra.args$cex, text = list(lab =, cex = 0.8),
          space = key.pos, columns = key.columns,
          title = quickText(key.title, auto.text),
          cex.title = 0.8, lines.title = 3
      } else if (key & npol > 1 & combine) {
        key <- list(
          lines = list(col = myColors[1:npol]), lwd = arrow.lwd,
          text = list(lab =, cex = 0.8), space = key.pos,
          columns = key.columns,
          title = quickText(key.title, auto.text),
          cex.title = 0.8, lines.title = 3
      } else {
        key <- NULL
      ## special wd layout
      if (length(type) == 1 & type[1] == "wd" & is.null(extra.args$layout)) {
        ## re-order to make sensible layout
        wds <- c("NW", "N", "NE", "W", "E", "SW", "S", "SE")
        mydata$wd <- ordered(mydata$wd, levels = wds)
        ## see if wd is actually there or not
        wd.ok <- sapply(wds, function(x) {
          if (x %in% unique(mydata$wd)) FALSE else TRUE
        skip <- c(wd.ok[1:4], TRUE, wd.ok[5:8])
        mydata$wd <- factor(mydata$wd) ## remove empty factor levels
        extra.args$layout <- c(3, 3)
        if (!"skip" %in% names(extra.args)) {
          extra.args$skip <- skip
      if (!"skip" %in% names(extra.args)) {
        extra.args$skip <- FALSE
      ## proper names of labelling ####################################################
      stripName <- sapply(levels(mydata[, type[1]]), function(x) quickText(x, auto.text))
      if (strip) strip <- strip.custom(factor.levels = stripName)
      if (length(type) == 1) {
        strip.left <- FALSE
      } else { ## two conditioning variables
        stripName <- sapply(levels(mydata[, type[2]]), function(x) quickText(x, auto.text))
        strip.left <- strip.custom(factor.levels = stripName)
      ## #############################################################################
      ## no strip needed for single panel
      if (length(type) == 1 & type[1] == "default") strip <- FALSE
      ## not sure how to evaluate "group" in xyplot, so change to a fixed name
      id <- which(names(results) == group)
      names(results)[id] <- "MyGroupVar"
      maxsd <- 1.2 * max(results$sd.obs, results$sd.mod)
      # xlim, ylim handling
      if (!"ylim" %in% names(extra.args)) {
        extra.args$ylim <- 1.12 * c(0, maxsd)
      if (!"xlim" %in% names(extra.args)) {
        extra.args$xlim <- 1.12 * c(0, maxsd)
      ## xlab, ylab local management
      if (is.null(extra.args$ylab)) {
        extra.args$ylab <- if (normalise) "standard deviation (normalised)" else "Standard deviation"
      if (is.null(extra.args$xlab)) {
        extra.args$xlab <- extra.args$ylab
      ## plot
      xyplot.args <- list(
        x = myform, data = results, groups = results$MyGroupVar,
        aspect = 1,
        type = "n",
        as.table = TRUE,
        scales = scales,
        key = key,
        par.strip.text = list(cex = 0.8),
        strip = strip,
        strip.left = strip.left,
        panel = function(x, y, ...) {
          ## annotate each panel but don't need to do this for each grouping value
            x, y,
            results = results, maxsd = maxsd,
            cor.col = cor.col, rms.col = rms.col,
            annotate = annotate, ...
          ## plot data in each panel
            x, y,
            panel.groups = panel.taylor, ...,
            results = results, =,
            combine = combine, myColors = myColors,
            arrow.lwd = arrow.lwd
      ## reset for extra.args
      xyplot.args <- listUpdate(xyplot.args, extra.args)
      ## plot
      plt <-, xyplot.args)
      if (length(type) == 1) plot(plt) else plot(useOuterStrips(plt, strip = strip, strip.left = strip.left))
      newdata <- results
      output <- list(plot = plt, data = newdata, call =
      class(output) <- "openair"
    panel.taylor.setup <- function(x, y, subscripts, results, maxsd, cor.col, rms.col,
                                   col.symbol, annotate, group.number, type, ...) {
      ## note, this assumes for each level of type there is a single measured value
      ## therefore, only the first is used  i.e. results$sd.obs[subscripts[1]]
      ## This does not matter if normalise = TRUE because all sd.obs = 1.
      ## The data frame 'results' should contain a grouping variable 'MyGroupVar',
      ## 'type' e.g. season, R (correlation coef), sd.obs and sd.mod
      xcurve <- cos(seq(0, pi / 2, by = 0.01)) * maxsd
      ycurve <- sin(seq(0, pi / 2, by = 0.01)) * maxsd
      llines(xcurve, ycurve, col = "black")
      xcurve <- cos(seq(0, pi / 2, by = 0.01)) * results$sd.obs[subscripts[1]]
      ycurve <- sin(seq(0, pi / 2, by = 0.01)) * results$sd.obs[subscripts[1]]
      llines(xcurve, ycurve, col = "black", lty = 5)
      corr.lines <- c(0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 0.9)
      ## grid line with alpha transparency
      theCol <- t(col2rgb(cor.col)) / 255
      for (gcl in corr.lines) llines(
        c(0, maxsd * gcl), c(0, maxsd * sqrt(1 - gcl ^ 2)),
        col = rgb(theCol, alpha = 0.4), alpha = 0.5
      bigtick <- acos(seq(0.1, 0.9, by = 0.1))
      medtick <- acos(seq(0.05, 0.95, by = 0.1))
      smltick <- acos(seq(0.91, 0.99, by = 0.01))
        cos(bigtick) * maxsd, sin(bigtick) *
          maxsd, cos(bigtick) * 0.96 * maxsd, sin(bigtick) * 0.96 * maxsd,
        col = cor.col
        cos(medtick) * maxsd, sin(medtick) *
          maxsd, cos(medtick) * 0.98 * maxsd, sin(medtick) * 0.98 * maxsd,
        col = cor.col
        cos(smltick) * maxsd, sin(smltick) *
          maxsd, cos(smltick) * 0.99 * maxsd, sin(smltick) * 0.99 * maxsd,
        col = cor.col
      ## arcs for standard deviations (3 by default)
      gamma <- pretty(c(0, maxsd), n = 5)
      if (gamma[length(gamma)] > maxsd) {
        gamma <- gamma[-length(gamma)]
      labelpos <- seq(45, 70, length.out = length(gamma))
      ## some from plotrix
      for (gindex in 1:length(gamma)) {
        xcurve <- cos(seq(0, pi, by = 0.03)) * gamma[gindex] +
        endcurve <- which(xcurve < 0)
        endcurve <- ifelse(length(endcurve), min(endcurve) - 1, 105)
        ycurve <- sin(seq(0, pi, by = 0.03)) * gamma[gindex]
        maxcurve <- xcurve * xcurve + ycurve * ycurve
        startcurve <- which(maxcurve > maxsd * maxsd)
        startcurve <- ifelse(length(startcurve), max(startcurve) + 1, 0)
          xcurve[startcurve:endcurve], ycurve[startcurve:endcurve],
          col = rms.col, lty = 5
          xcurve[labelpos[gindex]], ycurve[labelpos[gindex]],
          cex = 0.7, col = rms.col, pos = 1,
          srt = 0, font = 2
          1.1 * maxsd, 1.05 * maxsd,
          labels = annotate, cex = 0.7,
          col = rms.col, pos = 2
      ## angles for R key
      angles <- 180 * c(bigtick, acos(c(0.95, 0.99))) / pi
        cos(c(bigtick, acos(c(0.95, 0.99)))) *
          1.06 * maxsd, sin(c(bigtick, acos(c(0.95, 0.99)))) *
          1.06 * maxsd, c(seq(0.1, 0.9, by = 0.1), 0.95, 0.99),
        cex = 0.7,
        adj = 0.5, srt = angles, col = cor.col
        0.82 * maxsd, 0.82 * maxsd, "Correlation",
        srt = 315, cex = 0.7,
        col = cor.col
      ## measured point and text
      lpoints(results$sd.obs[subscripts[1]], 0, pch = 20, col = "purple", cex = 1.5)
      ltext(results$sd.obs[subscripts[1]], 0, "Observed", col = "purple", cex = 0.7, pos = 3)
    panel.taylor <- function(x, y, subscripts, results,, maxsd, cor.col,
                             rms.col, combine, col.symbol, myColors, group.number,
                             type, arrow.lwd, ...) {
      R <- NULL
      sd.mod <- NULL ## avoid R NOTEs
      ## Plot actual results by type and group if given
      results <- transform(results, x = sd.mod * R, y = sd.mod * sin(acos(R)))
      if (combine) { <- transform(, x = sd.mod * R, y = sd.mod * sin(acos(R)))
          results$x[subscripts], results$y[subscripts],
          angle = 30, length = 0.1, col = myColors[group.number], lwd = arrow.lwd
      } else {
          results$x[subscripts], results$y[subscripts],
          col.symbol = myColors[group.number], ...
    startYear <- function(dat) as.numeric(format(min(dat[order(dat)]), "%Y"))
    endYear <- function(dat) as.numeric(format(max(dat[order(dat)]), "%Y"))
    startMonth <- function(dat) as.numeric(format(min(dat[order(dat)]), "%m"))
    endMonth <- function(dat) as.numeric(format(max(dat[order(dat)]), "%m"))
    ## these are pre-defined type that need a field "date"; used by cutData
    dateTypes <- c("year", "hour", "month", "season", "weekday", "weekend",
                   "monthyear", "gmtbst", "bstgmt", "dst", "daylight",
                   "seasonyear", "yearseason")
    checkPrep <- function(mydata, Names, type, remove.calm = TRUE, remove.neg = TRUE,
                          strip.white = TRUE, wd = "wd") {
      ## deal with conditioning variable if present, if user-defined, must exist in data
      ## pre-defined types
      ## existing conditioning variables that only depend on date (which is checked)
      conds <- c(
        "default", "year", "hour", "month", "season", "weekday",
        "weekend", "monthyear", "gmtbst", "bstgmt", "dst", "daylight",
        "yearseason", "seasonyear"
      all.vars <- unique(c(names(mydata), conds))
      varNames <- c(Names, type) ## names we want to be there
      matching <- varNames %in% all.vars
      if (any(!matching)) {
        ## not all variables are present
        stop(cat("Can't find the variable(s)", varNames[!matching], "\n"))
      ## add type to names if not in pre-defined list
      if (any(type %in% conds == FALSE)) {
        ids <- which(type %in% conds == FALSE)
        Names <- c(Names, type[ids])
      ## if type already present in data frame
      if (any(type %in% names(mydata))) {
        ids <- which(type %in% names(mydata))
        Names <- unique(c(Names, type[ids]))
      ## just select data needed
      mydata <- mydata[, Names]
      ## if site is in the data set, check none are missing
      ## seems to be a problem for some KCL data...
      if ("site" %in% names(mydata)) { ## split by site
        ## remove any NA sites
        if (anyNA(mydata$site)) {
          id <- which($site))
          mydata <- mydata[-id, ]
      ## sometimes ratios are considered which can results in infinite values
      ## make sure all infinite values are set to NA
      mydata[] <- lapply(mydata, function(x) {
        replace(x, x == Inf | x == -Inf, NA)
      if ("ws" %in% Names) {
        if ("ws" %in% Names & is.numeric(mydata$ws)) {
          ## check for negative wind speeds
          if (any(sign(mydata$ws[!$ws)]) == -1)) {
            if (remove.neg) { ## remove negative ws only if TRUE
              warning("Wind speed <0; removing negative data")
              mydata$ws[mydata$ws < 0] <- NA
      ## round wd to make processing obvious
      ## data already rounded to nearest 10 degress will not be affected
      ## data not rounded will be rounded to nearest 10 degrees
      ## assumes 10 is average of 5-15 etc
      if (wd %in% Names) {
        if (wd %in% Names & is.numeric(mydata[, wd])) {
          ## check for wd <0 or > 360
          if (any(sign(mydata[[wd]][![[wd]])]) == -1 |
                  mydata[[wd]][![[wd]])] > 360)) {
            warning("Wind direction < 0 or > 360; removing these data")
            mydata[[wd]][mydata[[wd]] < 0] <- NA
            mydata[[wd]][mydata[[wd]] > 360] <- NA
          if (remove.calm) {
            if ("ws" %in% names(mydata)) {
              mydata[[wd]][mydata$ws == 0] <- NA ## set wd to NA where there are calms
              mydata$ws[mydata$ws == 0] <- NA ## remove calm ws
            mydata[[wd]][mydata[[wd]] == 0] <- 360 ## set any legitimate wd to 360
            ## round wd for use in functions - except windRose/pollutionRose
            mydata[[wd]] <- 10 * ceiling(mydata[[wd]] / 10 - 0.5)
            mydata[[wd]][mydata[[wd]] == 0] <- 360 # angles <5 should be in 360 bin
          mydata[[wd]][mydata[[wd]] == 0] <- 360 ## set any legitimate wd to 360
      ## make sure date is ordered in time if present
      if ("date" %in% Names) {
        if ("POSIXlt" %in% class(mydata$date)) {
          stop("date should be in POSIXct format not POSIXlt")
        ## if date in format dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm (basic check)
        if (length(grep("/", as.character(mydata$date[1]))) > 0) {
          mydata$date <- as.POSIXct(strptime(mydata$date, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M"), "GMT")
        ## try and work with a factor date - but probably a problem in original data
        if (is.factor(mydata$date)) {
          warning("date field is a factor, check date format")
          mydata$date <- as.POSIXct(mydata$date, "GMT")
        mydata <- arrange(mydata, date)
        ## make sure date is the first field
        if (names(mydata)[1] != "date") {
          mydata <- mydata[c("date", setdiff(names(mydata), "date"))]
        ## check to see if there are any missing dates, stop if there are
        ids <- which($date))
        if (length(ids) > 0) {
          mydata <- mydata[-ids, ]
            "Missing dates detected, removing",
            length(ids), "lines"
          ), call. = FALSE)
        ## daylight saving time can cause terrible problems - best avoided!!
        if (any(dst(mydata$date))) {
          warning("Detected data with Daylight Saving Time, converting to UTC/GMT")
          mydata$date <- lubridate::force_tz(mydata$date, tzone = "GMT")
      if (strip.white) {
        ## set panel strip to white
        suppressWarnings(trellis.par.set(list(strip.background = list(col = "white"))))
      ## return data frame
    # function to check variables are numeric, if not force with warning
    checkNum <- function(mydata, vars) {
      for (i in seq_along(vars)) {
        if (!is.numeric(mydata[[vars[i]]])) {
          mydata[[vars[i]]] <- as.numeric(as.character(mydata[[vars[i]]]))
            paste(vars[i], "is not numeric, forcing to numeric..."),
            call. = FALSE
    ## listUpdate function
    # [in development]
    listUpdate <- function(a, b, drop.dots = TRUE,
                           subset.a = NULL, subset.b = NULL) {
      if (drop.dots) {
        a <- a[names(a) != "..."]
        b <- b[names(b) != "..."]
      if (!is.null(subset.a)) {
        a <- a[names(a) %in% subset.a]
      if (!is.null(subset.b)) {
        b <- b[names(b) %in% subset.b]
      if (length(names(b) > 0)) {
        a <- modifyList(a, b)

    Then use the following code for plotting

     TaylorDiagram1(data, obs = "Observed", mod = "Predicted", group = "Method", type = "Station",
                      scales=list(alternating=1),normalise = TRUE,fontsize=12,
                      rms.col="black",auto.text=F,xlab="Standard deviation",
                      cex = 1, ylab="Standard deviation",par.settings = list( = list(fontfamily = "serif")))

    enter image description here